Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hand Reading

Here is another blog post that has nothing to do with my other articles but I felt it was good enough to post. It seems the more I play and the more hours I put in, I can read my opponents hands a lot more easier. Although that almost seems logical I didn't think I could be this good. Now this hand seems like an easy call, but at this low limit a player could have any hand especially KJ. But honest to god I put him on KQ. Now I have no proof since I thought this in my mind but I trust you will beleive me. I am just more proud at myself for being exactly on!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Being Too Predictable in an MTT

This is a more indepth article about what I posted in my "Tip of the Day". The tip is talking more about how you play when playing against regulars, or in live play. I want to talk more about how you play at a table late in an mtt when you are not being moved so much, and could be at a table with players for up to or more than an hour.
Not all but some good players take notes if you make a bluff, good play, or if you are tight, or loose. So, if you change your game up, or "switch gears" a player will never know where you at in a hand, thus giving you a huge advantage for advanced plays.

For Example: A player or players at your table have you pegged as an extremly tight player who has raised preflop with premium hands only. When the blinds get higher and stealing becomes a must to mantain a nice stack, then raising in or even out of position will most likely get you some extra chips, since they are afraid that you have a premium hand. Also C-betting(Continuation Betting) becomes another weapon for you as a tight player since many LAG(Loose Aggressive) players will get called down if they continue betting.

This also works for LAG type players, actually I think it works more in the favor of LAG players since many will not believe that you have a hand and will call you down with mid pair or even bottom pair thinking they are making a good read/play.

This obviously can work at a cash table too, it could really screw up all those PT(PokerTracker) users and also those not using software. My advice is to always be changing the way you play, but do not take this the wrong way. I am not saying that you should play completly stupid at a time when you are not playing tight.

For Example: Let's say you are playing TAG(Tight Aggressive) at a cash game. Once you decide to switch gears do not think that playing 7 2 os(off suit) is justifiable since it is technically changing your game up. What I'm trying to say is play some mediocre hands like suited connectors. If you play these hands even if you are called and they have a big hand you're usuall not too far behind. You're about a 7/5 underdog so you still have about 42% chance of winning. Actually 10 9 suited has the best chance of winning against pocket Aces than any other hand.

One thing that you should not change is the way you bet. This also keeps them guessing and does not give away any information. You may be changing the way you play but not the way you bet.

For Example: Let's say you always raise 3 times the BB with premium hands. Many will have this noted mentally or in there not section. So when you change gears and make that same raise, then many will automatically think that you have a premium hand.

Making this adjustment to yuor game will help a lot. Too many begginers who are crossing over to the more advanced plays stick to the same way of playing and do not make the transition. Try this way of playing and see how it works for you. I can guarantee you will be more respected by the end of the game.