Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lost!?(not the televeision show geez)

Well as you know I had and still have a lot going on in my life right now. With school starting it is getting even worse. Right now I think I have been running more badly in poker than ever before. I also, somehow, lost my patience for sngs and mtts. The thing is I remember losing patience before, but gaining it back after a break and some tweaking/re-evaluating, but I just can't find it.
Not only have I lost my patience, but luck which plays a fairly large factor in mtts aka variance, has not been on my side, AT ALL! So I've completely lost my confidence in poker BUT....
For the last month or so I've been reading on CC more than I have been posting(you can pick your jaw up off the floor now), and I've been really reading the infamous monthly threads that have become extremely popular. Anyways I once again have been inspired to possibly play cash games. I dipped my toe in at 10nl and did well as a winning player. I then played a little 25nl in which I was a losing player but my sample size was not even close enough to measure. So since the main reason I switched to cash games back then was because I am going to be so busy is the same reason I am considering it again. I get so pumped reading about everyone's cash sessions.
Another good thing that has me motivated is that my HUD is now working and looks a lot better than before, I am so ready to kill cash games!

So here are my NEW goals for this year:

1. Start back at 10nl
2. Work my way to 25-50nl and learn as much as possible
3. Get sweated as much as possible
4. study
6. No spewing
7. have a good time
8. school first though
9. save up my fpp's

Well I really need to have more self discipline here, and It's going to be hard for me but I know I can do it. MY big thing is motivation, and as long as I am I will do great!

1 comment:

Jurn8 said...

good to see you back playing KC, may see you around the 10NL/25NL tables buddy.